Tuesday 22 March 2016

Google+ Showdown: Mountain Dew Vs Fanta

Welcome back to another showdown between Mountain Dew and Fanta! Today we will be looking at their use of Google+!

Mountain Dew

How often do they post? 1- 4 times a month

What are they posting?
  • Kickstart promo videos
  • Dewshine promo videos
  • Mtn. Dew promo videos
Most Successful Posts: 

+10 Likes | 11 Comments
Mtn Dew Kickstart Comedy Central

Unfortunately this video in the post is now private. However, it is one of the most successful! Possibly because of its' feature on Comedy Central!

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We Are Blood Trailer

Mountain Dew was featured in the We Are Blood film (about skateboarding), which some of the followers thought was great itself, and with Mountain Dew having a great connection with sports, must have made it more successful!

The 50/50 Rule:
Because Google+ and YouTube are linked, most of the posts are therefore, shared from YouTube!


How often do they post? 1-4 times a month

What are they posting?
  • Orange Fanta Promo
  • Fanta brand trailers
Most Successful Posts:

+7 Likes | 1 Share | 3 Comments
Fatnta Trailer

Everyone loves seeing a fun trailer and this is another of Fanta's fun videos in showing off their brand! And many seem to agree as well! Must be why it was a successful post!

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Cung Fanta tim lai vui choi

Fanta seems to find interesting ways in promoting their brand! Not only did they make this video a fun story in comic-form but also connected with a different nationality (something I've seen Fanta do before)! Which is probably why this post was successful!

The 50/50 Rule:
As said earlier, Google+ in linked with YouTube and so Youtube videos are shared!

Thanks for reading!
- Monica

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