Friday 18 March 2016

Facebook Showdown: Coca-Cola vs. Dr. Pepper

Coca-Cola vs. Dr. Pepper

Hey guys! I'm here to introduce Coca-Cola vs. Dr. Pepper to our well known Soda Social Showdown! In this post I will be going over a few key points between these two soft drink giants' Facebook pages!

Coca-Cola Dr. Pepper
Post Cycle
Once or twice a month Three to four times a week
Coca-Cola posts a lot of photos showing some sort of Coca-Cola product, they also tend to post a few little text posts relating to any news and such that has to do with Coca-Cola.   Dr. Pepper seems to be a lot more involved when it comes to their Facebook page, posting a lot of promotional content with partners, or advertising some little prize codes on some of their products.  
50/50 Rule
No, they don't really link anything besides their own products and other things relating to their products. No, similarly to Coca-Cola, Dr. Pepper doesn't really post anything other than their own products, or partnerships they have with companies paired with them.  
Soda-successful Posts!
27K likes, 1 share, and 8.1k comments
This post is successful because it asks a witty question meant to be funny, while at the same time generating inputs and communication from their customer base.  It's targeted at all age groups, not just a select few and doesn't offend anyone, while at the same time advertising their product.  
50K likes, 8,271 shares, and 3.2K comments
A major reason this post is attributed as successful is because of the fact that it's in relation to a very anticipated movie that Dr. Pepper happens to have a partnership with. People are interested in the movie, and therefore are interested in the drink

The results are in! And it seems the winner for this round of Facebook Showdown is...

Dr. Pepper!!!
It seems they pay much more attention to their Facebook page than Coca-Cola, posting more often, and knowing what gets a rise out of their customer base too!

Thanks for reading, see you again next time for another round of Soda Social Showdown!


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