Tuesday 8 March 2016

Coca-Cola's Social Media Showdown!

Coca-Cola is currently present on a number of social media platforms, on their website they only display having 4, these being: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Flickr, however with a quick search it’s discovered that they are also present on Instagram, Tumblr, and Google+.  Since Dr. Pepper is only present on 4 social media platforms, I will be comparing the 4 that both companies have in common, these being: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.  

Coca-Cola's Facebook presence is ever so great with a massive 96.7 million page likes!  They surprisingly don't post on their Facebook as often as one would think a Soft Drink industry dominator such as Coca-Cola would.  They also don't seem to respond to their fan/customer base that often either which I believe they can definitely work upon.

Coca-Cola's Twitter presence is not one to go unnoticed that's for sure.  They've managed to accumulate an impressive 3.2 million Twitter followers in the time they've had it, which is quite an increase when compared to one of their main competitors, Dr. Pepper.  Coca-Cola tweets fairly regularly, mainly pertaining to their own brand and products, or other world events that they take interest in.  
Coca-Cola's YouTube channel is very impressive when compared to their counterpart over at Dr. Pepper, they've gathered a much deserving 716 thousand subscribers.  This can mostly be attributed to the fact that they seem to be posting videos seemingly hourly-daily, whether the video's are long or not, they each rake in a large number of views, averaging out at around 50 thousand each, even after a few hours of being released.  
It seems Coca-Cola has a somewhat irregular pattern when it comes to the posts regarding their Instagram account, they still have an eye-widening 1.1 million followers despite not paying as much attention to this platform as most would think.  They seem to post a few pictures every week to two weeks or so, before going on a very brief hiatus, and repeating once again after their little break.  Most if not all posts seem to be related to Coca-Cola products or other Coca-Cola related topics.  

To end things off in regards to this Titan of a Soft Drink company, Coca-Cola seems to have brought their 'A-game' when it comes to their Social Media Strategy seeing as how the numbers related to their fan/customer base are truly astounding.  To review what these numbers may be, Coca-Cola's Facebook page has an earth-quaking 97 million followers coming in a well deserved first place! Next up is their Twitter page, raking in a duly noted 3.2 million followers taking the silver.  Taking the third place medal is their Instagram account with an impressive 1.1 million followers, and last but most certainly not least, their YouTube account which has attracted a very appropriate 720 thousand followers, leaving their counterpart - Dr. Pepper - in the dust!  Thanks for the read, I hope to see you next time!

- André