Wednesday 13 April 2016

The Conclusion!

The final day of the campaign has arrived. Thank you so much for supporting and tuning in Poparrazzii. It has been such a great ride all the way from day one, which was only one and a half month ago! This campaign was not easy however it was fun and memorable. We appreciate all of you who visited our networks, read all our posts, and followed our accounts. For our final post, we would like you to announce our success through our first and last video, check it out here: 

This is the end. Thank you very much and we’ll always be your Poparrazzii!

-Monica, Dianne, Andre

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Campaign Quencher: Coca-Cola vs. Dr. Pepper

Seeing as how Coca-Cola seems to have one of the most successful advertising and marketing content creators in the world, this one's going to be a tough one, but I think I've got something they've yet to do! Wanna hear it? Okay, here we go!

The Idea: The Boundless Coke

Now the name might seem a little plain at first, but hear me out!  So we're all well and familiar with Coca-Cola's naming theme going on their products where names are printed on their cans or bottles as a sort of Personalization initiative.  My idea is to do something similar, perhaps even joined together with their already existing theme.  We would have Coca-Cola's fan/customer base submit requests for names and a slight introduction of themself as well as a location around the world, and likewise in that part of the world, other people will do the same.  Now when people happen to choose each other's countries, they get matched, and the bottles are then sent to Coca-Cola determined pairs where they receive the custom bottles and their mini stories/introductions on them!  

Who is the audience you may ask?

My target audience is anyone that drinks Coca-Cola! That's the beautiful thing about this idea, it's not restricted to any particular age group!


In creating bonds, and potential friendships throughout the world, we achieve one of Coca-Cola's main goals and objectives as a company, to spread happiness worldwide without any potential barriers!  In doing so we bring attention to Coca-Cola from all over the globe, who knows we might even be asked to do something United Nations related!


Because this is a world wide campaign, Coca-Cola would need some time to prepare themselves for the mass onslaught of entries submitted worldwide! Not to mention getting the word out, because of this I would aim for a launch to be conducted at the beginning of next year, 2017!

Social Strategy

Our social strategy would start with Coca-Cola's biggest and most successful social media platforms, ones that have the greatest world wide coverage.  Due to these factors, I believe their Facebook page, and YouTube page would be the best suitors for this type of Campaign!  In doing so, Coca-Cola will be able to spread the word in a very successful way seeing as how their following on both of these platforms stretches worldwide!

Attraction, Acquisition, and Engagement

This campaign will attract Coca-Cola's customer base world wide due to people's innate interest in different cultures around the world.  Thinking about travelling to a certain country? This would be the perfect step in getting to know that country from a personal level of someone already living there! Not to mention the vast field of potential connections one can make along the way!

Thanks for humouring me and listening to my Coca-Cola campaign idea! I hope to see it implemented in the near future, until next time guys!

- André

Monday 4 April 2016

Campaign Quencher: Pepsi VS Sprite

Another episode is about to start again here at Poparrazzii! Campaign Quencher is the cool idea of us creating a campaign for our specific brands. Now that I studied Pepsi and Sprite, I can hopefully create a campaign that would be fitting to my brands. So, let's get started!

Pepsi Sprite
Pepsi is an all-year round drink and a very popular choice of drinks all ages. We will be doing a direct approach with the consumers. Our idea is to have a team all across Canada to have a pop-up shop in highly concentrated areas. Toronto Yonge-Dundas Square, Vancouver Gastown, Mississauga Celebration Square, you name it! There will be tons of pop-up shop and we will take advantage of the hype. There would be a live DJ, free one Pepsi can, and a one of a kind Pepsi Bar! We will serve from all-ages drinks to alcoholic beverages. Sprite can almost be a synonym to summer. That's why, our campaign that we'll be creating is the 'Summer Sprite-capade'! This campaign will be contest based. There will be 10 lucky winners who will choose which Sprite-capade they would like to go to. The 10 winners are welcome to bring another guest with them! The Sprite-capade Destinations will be: Cuba, Greek Islands, and Thailand! All they have to do is buy a bottle of Sprite and inside the cap, there will be a serial code which needs to be entered online to secure the code.
The audience are all ages. The audience are for ages 18 and up.
Our goals is to have Pepsi trend for weeks and weeks until the pop-up shop is done. We also expect a great 15% increase in sales after the shops are done. The goal is to have our sales increase to 25% in a span of 4 months. We also hope that the traffic in our social media would increase by 50,000 at least.
The launch would start major areas like Vancouver, Toronto, etc. We will start at July 1 as it is Canada Day and we will take advantage of the whole day. Minor and less concentrated areas will come the next day after. The contest will start in November 1 and end in January 28. The draw and announcement of winners will be on January 29.
Just like other pop-up shops, we will offer consumers with an extra-ordinary and one-of-a-kind experience with Pepsi. We will trend #PopUpPepsi and have everyone post and share it on social media. There will be 500,000 bottles with serial codes that will be distributed all across Canada. The winners will be determined through random draws that was entered online.
To engage with consumers, we need the power of social media and its ability to trend. We want our shops to trend every single time we are open and wherever we are at. Billboards and TV advertising are also a must. In order for us to attract and engage a lot of consumers, we will use social media, traditional media, digital media, radio, and direct mail to spread out the word.

Sunday 3 April 2016

Campaign Quencher: Mountain Dew vs Fanta

We have not seen what Fanta and Mountain dew can do with their marketing strategies and social media. Now it is time to bring in a original idea I have for a campaign for Mountain Dew!

The Idea: Do the Dew: Live!

This probably sounds like a musical to some of you but I promise it is far from that! As you probably already know, Mountain Dew does a great job at collaborating with every sports related such as snowboarders, skateboarders, NASCAR drivers, and of course the NBA!
And so, with the many videos that Mountain Dew posts, whether they are in the alps, at an NBA game, or even a studio, Do the Dew: Live! will allow the fans to see behind the scenes at all these events, where Mountain Dew has been featured! 

Who is the audience?

The target for this campaign will mostly consist of teens and young adults (20-30 yrs)


Because this campaign will mostly be live, we will be looking at the amount of views and followers we will end up having that are interested in watching the 'behind-the-scenes' with Mountain Dew.

When will it launch?

Because of the social media platform we are using the launch can be at any point, that Mountain Dew feels it is ready to show the fans and inside look at what happens with Mountain Dew.

Social Strategy

Do the Dew: Live! will be put on Snapchat (10 second videos)  in the 'Discovery' section would be a great idea! We realize that Mountain Dew already has a Snapchat however, behind-the-scenes of events are not filmed, and Do the Dew: Live! is specifically for that!
Snapchat also allows any viewer that does not follow them to watch it as well.

How will it attract the audience?

Everyone loves to know the inside scoop on whats happening behind-the-scenes at events, because everyone is just that curious! But also, everyone loves a quick little video has they get tot he point but are also entertaining the short amount of time they are filmed, and these have become a lot more popular in the past few years (ex. Vine - 7 seconds and GIFs)

I hope you guys enjoy my idea and thanks for reading!
- Monica

Saturday 2 April 2016

Fizzy Fans: Dr. Pepper

Welcome back to our new segment based on Fan pages called Fizzy Fans!

On today's segment, I'll be introducing you to some of Dr, Pepper's many Fan pages!

A wild Dr. Pepper fan page has appeared!
This funny Dr. Pepper Facebook fan page has some quirks to it I see!

Classic sunset Dr. Pepper photo, awesome!
This guy's surely living the good life!  These Dr. Pepper fan pages, however slightly lacking, still do a good job in portraying Dr. Pepper's preferred enjoyable, laid-back life style!

Thanks for Tuning in to our coverage of Soft Drink fan pages! I hope to see you folks shortly!

- André

Friday 1 April 2016

Fizzy Fans: Sprite

Hey hey and welcome back to Fizzy Fans!
Drake drinking Sprite
Fizzy Fans is basically this cool kind of like honourable mentions of people who like our brands! This time, we are focusing on Sprite! Sadly, only one fan page is currently available. Oh well! Here it is:

It's better than none! Alright then, I'll see you guys next time!

Thanks for reading.


Wednesday 30 March 2016

Fizzy Fans: Coca-Cola

Welcome to our brand new segment based on Fan pages! We like to call this one Fizzy Fans!

On today's segment, I'll be introducing you to some of Coca-Cola's many Fan pages!

A Coca-Cola Facebook fan page!

This seems to just be the first one many successful and dedicated fan pages for Coca-Cola!

Coca-Cola's twitter fan page!
You can expect to find good news relating to Coca-Cola and their many advancements as well as involvements in the everyday world all around us!

Thanks for Tuning in! I'll be back shortly with some Dr. Pepper fan pages for you all to check out!

- André

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Fizzy Fans: Pepsi

Welcome to our new segment: Fizzy Fans!
People who love Pepsi!
Fizzy Fams is basically like a list of honourable mentions of people who love our brands! For this post, we are showing Pepsi fams! Here they are:

That's it for now! If you are a Pepsi fanatic and have your own page, let us know!

Thank you for reading and see you soon!


Monday 28 March 2016

Fizzy Fans: Mountain Dew

There are many fan pages out there for so many different brands! So, we are going to look at 3 fan pages that were made and are dedicated to Mountain Dew!

Mountain Dew Fan Page
Fanpop is a site that allows you make a fan pages for any sort of company/brand you can think of, as it allows the fans to come together and become a community (as it already may be) and connect with each other!
Fanpop allows fans to share/have :
  • Photos/videos
  • Wall (where fans can communicate with each other)
  • Polls

Mtn Dew Kid

The Blog pictured is dedicated to everything Mountain Dew! If you want to know about what's new with Mountain Dew then you will most likely find all the information here!
The blogger for this blog, has also provided current and past Mtn. Dew flavours that were ever launched.

Mountain Dew Lovers

Mountain Dew Lovers is a great Facebook community to join for those that love Mtn. Dew! It also easy to join, as you don't need to make any additional new accounts if you already have a Facebook Account. You can: 
  • Post/share videos and pictures
  • Talk to the community 
  • Invite many other to join!

If you would like to check out or join some of these fan pages then click the links below!

Thanks for Reading!
- Monica

Sunday 27 March 2016

YouTube Showdown: Coca-Cola vs. Dr. Pepper

Coca-Cola vs. Dr. Pepper

Hey guys! I'm here for the final time to introduce our Coca-Cola vs. Dr. Pepper Soda Social Showdown! In this post I will be going over a few key points between these two soft drink giants' YouTube accounts!
Coca-ColaDr. Pepper
Post Cycle
Hourly-DailyA few times a month-once a month
Coca-Cola seems to be putting a huge amount of emphasis on their YouTube account, and a good thing they are too! They post a lot of the time about different promotions and such they have going on all around the world!Dr. Pepper seems to be a little lacking when it comes to their YouTube account, especially in comparison to Coca-Cola!  They seem to post a majority of the time when it comes to special events, or promotions that they are involved with
50/50 Rule
Yes, Coca-Cola tends to post not only about their own products, but about other issues around the world that may benefit them as well.  Yes, both Dr. Pepper, and Coca-Cola are on top of this one! They both seem to post about not only their own products, but also other events and such that relate to themselves as a company as well. 
Soda-successful Posts!

205K views, and 16 comments
This little commercial about the bond between brothers is a very touching piece, and going off of how recent the video is, I'd say it's very successful!
45K views, and 52 Comments

This comedic short has a funny twist to it, a father builds a nice little play house for his daughter, only to be greeted by a mysterious fellow who rewards him with a 'Sweet' Dr. Pepper

The results are in! And it seems the winner for this round of YouTube Showdown is...


Coca-Cola seems to take their YouTube channel super seriously! Posting little inspirational and motivational videos sometimes hourly! It really gets things moving with their customer base, although Dr. Pepper's channel was a success as well, it not nearly to the degree of Coca-Cola!

Thanks for reading, see you again next time for a brand new segment on Fan pages!


Saturday 26 March 2016

YouTube Showdown: Pepsi VS Sprite

Pepsi VS Sprite

It's finally the last round between Pepsi and Sprite! In this episode, we'll check and see what's going on with their YouTube account. Since YouTube is only for videos, I would be counting the amount of videos and likes on their videos. It's the final episode between these two bad boys, let's take a look who's going to win!

Post Cycle
Once a weekThree times a week.
Pepsi posts a lot of mini-episodes (Inside the Studio), behind the scenes (Camp Halftime), promotions (Empire), music videos, and commercials. Sprite posts a lot of their short stories (Sprite Refreshing Truth, Killer Queen, Watt Sopa, etc), commercials, and product placements. They also post videos with various languages!
50/50 Rule
No, they strictly post only their product.No, they only post their products.
Soda-successful Posts!
11.7M views 843 likes
2.3M views 9,076 likes
These two mini-episodes are so successful! They are both funny and very mysterious. It definitely draw the audience in as soon as the videos started!

5.5M views 92 likes
2.1M views 109 views
These two commercials are successful as they took two influential people to partake in Sprite's commercials. The comments are filled with fans and praising Sprite and the models for doing such a great job.

Finally, the winner of the last round is...


Sprite is definitely bringing their game! So it seems like we have a tie for this showdown, huh? Oh well, both are great brands and both handle their social media well. Until next time!

Friday 25 March 2016

YouTube Showdown: Mountain Dew vs. Fanta

Mountain Dew and Fanta are facing each other in yet another showdown! This time we will looking at who does it best with YouTube!

Mountain Dew

How often do they post?  2-6 times a month.

What are they posting?
  • Kickstart promos
  • Sport celebrity spots
  • Do the Dew sports commercials
Most Successful Posts:

23.5M Views | 53.8k Likes | 10.7k Comments
Puppymonkeybaby | Super Bowl Spot

During the Super Bowl, many brands make interesting kinds of commercials to stand out from the bunch! And it was. of course, the perfect time for  Mountain Dew to stand out and they did just that, with the unusual creation of the Puppymonkeybaby!

2.2M Views | 1.5k Likes | 161 Comments

This was the teaser to Puppymonkeybaby. It made people confused, disturbed even, and curious has to what this is unusual thing is. And sometimes everyone happens to like unusual things, and this happens to be one of them.

The 50/50 rule:
Mountain Dew makes use of this rule! They really make an effort in collaborating with various sports players (ex. basketball, racing, and snowboarding)


How often do they post? 1-10 times a month

What do they post?
  • Fanta Commercials
  • #FantaPlayNow Commercials
Most Successful Posts:

10.7k Views | 7 Likes | 1 Comment

Fanta 'Walk the dog'

Fantasie means 'imagination', and that shows in all of their videos including this one! In this commercial Fanta made it look as though walking a dog can be fun activity!

1.9k Views | 17 Likes 

The #FantaPlayNow tag that is used on many Fanta's videos, shows the audience how Fanta can make any chore exciting and fun! And of course, many would love to know how to make any chore a little bit more interesting!

The 50/50 Rule:
Fanta has actually collaborated with a dancer to show their international side! Otherwise most of their videos are only of their products.

With their views, likes, and comments, I say that Mountain Dew has won this one once again! Especially with their interesting way of advertising their products!

Thanks for reading!
- Monica

Thursday 24 March 2016

Google+ Showdown: Coca-Cola vs. Dr. Pepper

Coca-Cola vs. Dr. Pepper

Hey guys! I'm here for a third time introduce our Coca-Cola vs. Dr. Pepper Soda Social Showdown! In this post I will be going over a few key points between these two soft drink giants' Google+ accounts!

Coca-ColaDr. Pepper
Post Cycle
Back when they used to post, they posted roughly twice a week. Last significant post was April 26, 2015Dr. Pepper's last post was on November 8, 2011
Coca-Cola solely posted videos which would link back to their YouTube channel, each video relates to Coca-Cola, however in each their own and unique way!Dr. Pepper has unfortunately only posted two things since their Google+ accounts creating way back in November of 2011, and they were just simple pictures of a Dr. Pepper can
50/50 Rule
Not necessarily, Coca-Cola mainly uses their Google+ account to just promote their product and other events that may be happening. No. They solely focused on their product seeing as how their only two posts were of Dr. Pepper cans.  
Soda-successful Posts!
570 +1's, 60 shares, and 50 comments
This post is successful because it was a music video depicting the joy of drinking Coca-Cola on a very relaxing enjoyable summer day at the beach which is very desirable amongst most people

33 +1's, 3 shares, and 7 comments
This post was successful because it had the highest numbers when compared to their only other post.

The results are in! And it seems the winner for this round of Google+ Showdown is...

This victory can almost solely be attributed to the fact that Dr. Pepper seems to have completely neglected their Google+ account! Oh-no! Despite this, Coca-Cola seemed to be on top of their stuff when it came to Google+, however the fact that they haven't really posted in a while, it seems they updated their account with a simple picture and hashtag fairly recently on Jan 19 of this year! Here's to hoping they revive their Google+ account soon!

Thanks for reading, see you again next time for the last round of Soda Social Showdown!


Wednesday 23 March 2016

Instagram Showdown: Pepsi VS Sprite

Pepsi VS Sprite

And the third round of Pepsi VS Sprite showdown is finally here! The score is currently tied with these two brands and today one will finally take the lead. Today is the battle of Instagram! It was supposed to be Google+ showdown however, Sprite seems to not have a Google+, so we are opting for Instagram! Let's start then!

Post Cycle
Twice a weekLast upload was 10 weeks ago; rarely posts on Instagram
Pepsi posts a high quality image that showcases how creative they can be. They always incorporate a can of Pepsi in their posts which is very adorable!Sprite has only been posting two contents in their Instagram page: kicks and the new Sprite flavour, Cranberry.
50/50 Rule
Yes. They have been posting monthly themes and #UpForGrabsNo. They are primarily focused on their products.
Soda-successful Posts!
This post is successful because it was posted for Valentine's Day. It is such a quirky photo and one would not hesitate to click the heart button!
Those umbrellas were definitely the main reason why this photo gained such popularity and success! Everyone in the comments are raving about it!

This post was successful as it was a great product placement. Sprite's audience are mainly young adults and a lot of them like posh kicks at the moment.
This post was successful as it is such a simple yet striking image. The quality of the image is impeccable and Instagram audience like that a lot.

The winner of this showdown is....

Pepsi definitely has their Instagram game on point!

Watch out tomorrow for another Soda Social Showdown! Thanks for reading!

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Google+ Showdown: Mountain Dew Vs Fanta

Welcome back to another showdown between Mountain Dew and Fanta! Today we will be looking at their use of Google+!

Mountain Dew

How often do they post? 1- 4 times a month

What are they posting?
  • Kickstart promo videos
  • Dewshine promo videos
  • Mtn. Dew promo videos
Most Successful Posts: 

+10 Likes | 11 Comments
Mtn Dew Kickstart Comedy Central

Unfortunately this video in the post is now private. However, it is one of the most successful! Possibly because of its' feature on Comedy Central!

+19 Likes | 9 Comments
We Are Blood Trailer

Mountain Dew was featured in the We Are Blood film (about skateboarding), which some of the followers thought was great itself, and with Mountain Dew having a great connection with sports, must have made it more successful!

The 50/50 Rule:
Because Google+ and YouTube are linked, most of the posts are therefore, shared from YouTube!


How often do they post? 1-4 times a month

What are they posting?
  • Orange Fanta Promo
  • Fanta brand trailers
Most Successful Posts:

+7 Likes | 1 Share | 3 Comments
Fatnta Trailer

Everyone loves seeing a fun trailer and this is another of Fanta's fun videos in showing off their brand! And many seem to agree as well! Must be why it was a successful post!

+12 Likes | 1 Share | 3 Comments
Cung Fanta tim lai vui choi

Fanta seems to find interesting ways in promoting their brand! Not only did they make this video a fun story in comic-form but also connected with a different nationality (something I've seen Fanta do before)! Which is probably why this post was successful!

The 50/50 Rule:
As said earlier, Google+ in linked with YouTube and so Youtube videos are shared!

Thanks for reading!
- Monica

Monday 21 March 2016

Twitter Showdown: Coca-Cola vs. Dr. Pepper

Coca-Cola vs. Dr. Pepper

Hey guys! I'm here to once again introduce Coca-Cola vs. Dr. Pepper to our well known Soda Social Showdown! In this post I will be going over a few key points between these two soft drink giants' Twitter accounts!

Coca-Cola Dr. Pepper
Post Cycle
Every other day Multiple times a day-every other day
Coca-Cola posts a lot of photos that tend to show some sort of Coca-Cola product, they also tend to post a few little text posts relating to any news and such that has to do with Coca-Cola.  They've taken to posting quite a few little videos or gifs relating to Coca-Cola.   Dr. Pepper once again seems to be a lot more involved when it comes to their tweets, tweeting to specific states asking for opinions or inputs from their customer base.  
50/50 Rule
No, they don't really tweet anything besides their own products and other things relating to their products and other things they happen to be promoting at the time Yes, Dr. Pepper tweets lots of different types of posts, some promote certain partnerships they have at the time, and other are community related topics that allow for their input
Soda-successful Posts!
14K likes, and 10.6K retweets
This tweet is successful because it involves a very anticipated movie that is very popular, at the same time the video itself is of comedic value that genuinely brings joy to people. Perhaps the most important reason behind this tweets success is the fact that it is a pinned tweet, meaning if you visit the Coca-Cola twitter, this is the first tweet you will see no matter what.  
600 likes, and 250 retweets
A major reason this tweet is attributed as a success when compared to its other tweets is because of the fact that it's in relation to a very anticipated movie that Dr. Pepper happens to have a partnership with. People are interested in the movie, and therefore are interested in the drink

The results are in! And it seems the winner for this round of Twitter Showdown is...

It seems that their vastly greater following came in handy in this round of Soda Social Showdown, they managed to take great advantage of their customer base and used it to put themselves ahead!

Thanks for reading, see you again next time for another round of Soda Social Showdown!
