Wednesday 17 February 2016

Welcome to Poparrazzii!

This blog is part of a Digital Marketing course at Sheridan College, and we are the paparazzi of soda pop, where we will be examining the social media and digital marketing strategies of various soda pop brands!

We will be looking at the following brands:
There are three authors behind this blog!

Author # 1:
Hey! I'm Monica, and I'm a 2nd year student here at Sheridan College studying Business Marketing. A little about me:Travelling and photography are my 2 of my favourite things to do and social media allows me to document my love for the 2! My plan here is to cover the social media and digital marketing strategies for Mountain Dew and Fanta!

Author # 2:
Hi there! My name's Andre Leon, pleasure to meet your acquaintance.
I'm 2nd year student here at Sheridan College's Pilon School of Business, and I'm currently enrolled in the Business Administration Marketing program.  I enjoy conversing with people, getting to know them, and introducing them into the world of Business Marketing!  In this blog I will be covering Coca-Cola, and Dr. Pepper.

Author #3:
Hello Poparrazzi! I'm Dianne Gabriel and also a second year student at Sheridan College under Business Marketing program. I am a huge media-junkie and social media lover. My mission is to report Pepsi's and Sprite's social media activities!

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